
The Agronomy Faculty is one of the oldest Departments of the Academy. Its history is closely related to the names of faculty members and scientists such as K.A.Timiryazev, I.A.Stebut, D.N.Pryanishnikov, A.G.Doyarenko, V.R.Williams, N.I.Vavilov, and I.S.Shatilov. I.A.Stebut was the first Dean of the Faculty.

Today, more than 1,400 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students study at the Faculty annually. The faculty members include 130 lecturers with three academicians, professors I.S.Shatilov, V.S.Shevelukha, and A.A.Zhuchenko, three corresponding members of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professors N.N.Tretyakov, A.V.Zakharenko, and I.V.Gorbachev), more than 40 Doctors of Sciences and professors. There are six Honored Workers of Science of Russian Federation (V.S.Shevelukha, J.B.Konovalov, G.I.Bazdirev, V.G.Loshakov, G.S.Posipanov, and V.M.Khalansky), and three Honored Workers of Higher School (A.F.Safonov, V.G.Dolgodvorov, and B.S.Oknin).
The Faculty is specialized in training agronomists of high qualification in the following specialties:
- Agronomy with specializations in agribusiness, ecological farming, meadow landscapes and lawns, and seed growing and certification;
- Selection and Genetics of Agricultural Crops with specializations in biotechnology, genetics and selection of field crops;
- Plant Protection with a specialization in phytosanitary control.
Training in specialty Agronomy is provided by 14 department chairs, namely: field husbandry and experimentation methods, plant production, meadow cultivation, plant physiology, genetics, selection and seed growing of field crops, chemical means of plant protection, phytopathology, entomology, agricultural machines, meteorology, agriculture in foreign countries; tractors, agricultural machines and electrification and mechanization of agricultural machines park (EMAM). Four scientific and research laboratories, including the P.Lisitsin Selection Station, Field Experimental Station, Plant Protection Station and the V.A.Mikhelson observatory, provide research and training. The staff of research laboratories plays an active role in a training process.
For over ninety years the long-term stationary experiment has been conducted to study monocrops, including the effect of crop rotations and application of different doses of fertilizers on monocultures. In 1912 A.G.Doyarenko laid out this experimental plot as a demonstrative plot to train peasants from Moscow region. At present, this stationary experiment is widely used by researchers of the University, other Research Institutes and educational institutions of higher learning.
The scientists of the Selection Station conduct solid selection work on wheat, barley, Triticale, and blue lupine.
Researchers of the Plant Protection Station conduct scientific investigations on the problems of biological, chemical and other means of plant protection against pests and diseases. Lately, a greenhouse with modern equipment has been built and provided for the Station, allowing the conduct of many experiments in conditions of protected area. Graduates of the Faculty successfully work in different branches of agricultural production, state managements organizations, state plant protection service, customs service, research institutes, Russian and foreign agricultural firms, and joint-stock companies.

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